Toshiba Visit

A few weeks ago, C.O.R.E. went to Toshiba to present and show our robot to their employees. One of our mentors works at the company as a mechanical engineer, and set up a time to meet. When we were there, we were given a tour of the facility and given a little company history. Afterwards, we demoed our robot, allowed them to play catch with the it, and answered any questions they had. At the end of the demonstration we were given a generous sponsorship,  placing them among other gold level sponsors.

It was really amazing to see how many of the employees would have been on an FRC team if it was around when they were in high school. Overall, the day was a very productive, fun and educational not just for us, but for the employees as well.

Thank You

C.O.R.E. 2062 would like to thank all who have supported our team so far this year. Specifically, we would like to highlight an anonymous C.O.R.E. alumnus who recently donated $5,000. This is quite a significant contribution, comprising about 25 percent of all of the donations that we have received this year. We thank this individual for their incredible generosity and commend them for their continued involvement in FIRST and our team.

However, we must also stress that donations of any size and at any time are greatly appreciated. This year in particular we have not been as financially secure as we have been in the past. We need our community’s support to be involved in FIRST; to prepare our students for their futures and spread STEM principles to those around us.

We hope that you will consider supporting C.O.R.E. 2062 for our current 2014 season. For more information contact our lead mentor Mark Spoerk at

A FLL Thank You – Team 1714 and Team 706

C.O.R.E. 2062 would like to extend a huge thank you to the student and adult volunteers from teams 1714 and 706 who were able to help out at our FLL tournament on Sunday Nov. 10th. It was a fantastic success, and we received nothing but good feedback from teams and parents! This is a very important event as it can serve to inspire many young children to pursue their ambitions concerning engineering and robotics while having a blast, and our volunteers helped to make that a reality. We had around 50 volunteers help run a tournament where 420 people attended, and we would not have been able to manage the tournament without the help of of these teams. Again, thank you for your time and enthusiasm!

Team C.O.R.E. 2062

Rockwell – Engineering Our Future

This year, to celebrate their 110th anniversary, Rockwell held the Engineering Our Future competition, a chance for first teams sponsored by Rockwell to highlight the team’s excitement for FIRST.

Help us share the FIRST energy!

Zeman Tool and Manufacturing tour!

C.O.R.E. 2062 had the great opportunity to tour and a day of collaborated with our long-time sponsor: Zeman Tool. Our team went to their facility and went through a full tour of the company, from their manufacturing area to their engineering labs. During our tour of the manufacturing area, we were shown the individual machines and what their function was. C.O.R.E. team members fielded some great questions, and were really engaged during the tour. Perhaps the best idea that we took away from the tour was that Zeman Tool was using the same techniques to manufacture parts that C.O.R.E. was using on the robot everyday! Another highlight from the day was that we got to show the employees of Zeman Tool our robot. It was a great sight to see when the Zeman employees driving the robot and having fun! Overall it was a day of collaboration and learning, C.O.R.E. 2062 had a great opportunity for a day well spent.


Summer Update 2013

C.O.R.E. is hard at work during the summer meetings! Our summer projects are coming along nicely and our battery cart is being redesigned thanks to some of our seniors. Another project of mechanical team is the creation of butterfly drive to aid our team in design.  We may even play with pneumatics.   Keep checking in on us. Have a good day!

Championships 2013


Two weeks ago C.O.R.E. was in St. Louis, competing at the Championship level. Although it is always an honer to compete alongside teams from across the globe, it was a little humbling. All in all, we were the 65 ranked team in our division of a hundred. This gives us something to work for. As Dale Carnegie once said “Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success”. On a different note, the St. Louis experience was quite enjoyable. We thank the parents, mentors, and sponsors who make trips like this possible. Lastly, congratulations to all of the teams that made it to Einstein, the final field of play, as well as everyone that competed.

Wisconsin Regional


At the competition in Milwaukee on March 21-23, C.O.R.E. 2062 made it to the semi-finals. After starting off alliance selection in the 10th seed, we programming lounge (second recent post)eventually joined ranks with the 6th seeded alliance captain team 1259, Paradigm Shift, and team 2574, Robohuskies. 1259’s climber and 2574’s fantastic shooter led to an awesome finish in the Semi-finals. In addition, one of our members, Haley, was honored to become a FIRST Dean’s List Finalist, an award given at each regional to one student who was recommended by their mentors for excellence on the team. We won the Judges Award, which recognizes greatness of the team overall. It shows distinction in categories such as Safety, Outreach, and Gracious Professionalism. Excellence in Milwaukee is attributed to the diligent fixing of mechanical problems, dedicated drivers, careful scouting, and well-versed Chairmen’s representatives. Our competition spirit will continue on to the FIRST championship in St. Louis, Missouri on April 23-26 for the Championship Competition.

Lake Superior Regional

C.O.R.E. recently attended the Lake Superior Regional in Duluth, MN and has come back with some very exciting news! With help from team 2052 (Knightkrawler) and 4011 (Pi Robotics) we won the regional, which gets us to Internationals! Our team had fantastic offense, scoring over 100 points on just about every match against other high-scoring alliances. Our seventh-seeded alliance had a very worthy opponent in the high-scoring eighth-seeded alliance of team 3276 (NSR), 3277 (ProDigi), and 4539 (KAOTIC Robotics). We also won the UL Industrial Safety Award, adding to our safety accomplishments! Finally, after winning the regional, we faced off against the Northern Lights winners, who were just on the other side of the arena in a match for the Duluth FIRST champion! We emerged victorious against the fantastic alliance of 2169 (KING TeC), 3061 (Huskie Robotics), and team 525 (Swartdogs) in a very close 116-113 match. This was a fantastic regional for C.O.R.E. and we are excited for Milwaukee!

C.O.R.E. is in the Freeman!

C.O.R.E. is very proud to announce that we now have a weekly column in the Waukesha Freeman. While we have been noted in the Freeman before, this is something new for us. To prepare, we have talked to some mentors and journalists about news writing and writing informational pieces. The Chairman’s subteam has even begun the writing process with help and advice from our mentors and other experienced writers. Sometime next week, grab a copy of the Freeman and check us out!

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